Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone, 2011 is now upon us.  Any resolutions or big plans for the new year?  No resolutions here.  I only wish to strive to be happy and productive this year.  I'd also like to be gainfully employed (preferably working from home) this year.

For Monkey I would love it if he wouldn't fight so much on school, but mainly I want him to be happy as well.  He is a good little boy with a good heart.

Did you know that 2011 will have four dates with all ones in it?  Yes, these are the things I think about before going to sleep at night.  Anyway, it will.  Today is the first date.  The next will be 1-11-11.  The third is 11-1-11, and the last is 11-11-11.  I once heard that ones and elevens are the signs of angels and that babies born on days with ones will have good luck and do well in life.  Has anyone else heard this?

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