Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So, why the title of Crazy About Car Seats?

Well, because I am kind of a little crazy about them.  I have been this way for a few years now.  Car seats really intrigue me.  I am not sure why, but they do. 

My son is an only and he has had nine car seats (in four cars) since he was born almost 5.5 yrs ago.  We have owned a Graco Snug Ride with two bases, an Evenflo Triupmh, an Evenflo Titan, Evenflo Generations, two Cosco Regal Rides, a Britax Frontier, a Graco Nautilus, a Cosco Apex 65, and, finally a Clek Oobr.

We started off with a Graco Snug Ride with two bases.  He outgrew the Snug Ride by length at 4 mos.

Our next two seats were an Evenflo Triumph and a Titan.  The Triumph was in my Jeep.  It is hands down my favorite seat ever!  It has been discontinued for a while, but its replacement, the Evenflo Triumph Advance, is even better!

The Titan went in my husband's Corolla.  I didn't like the seat from the beginning, but it was cheap and it worked.  The harness stopped tightening on it consistently at about the 1.5 yr point.  We were visiting my husband in Korea at that time and I left it there.

I replaced the Titan with an Evenflo Generations.  I thought I would like it as much as the Triumph and I liked that it turned into a booster.  It was a bad choice.  It even made the top five worst booster list!  The only thing good that I can say about this seat is that it is narrow and fits well in my Jeep with the Britax Frontier next to it. So, I have kept it as a spare seat.

Each set of grandparents bought a Cosco Regal Ride.  It was another inexpensive, no frills seat.  It got the job done.  He outgrew these seats just after he turned four.  They have pretty low top harness slots.

When he turned four we decided that he looked too "squished" in his current seats so we purchased a Britax Frontier for my car, a Graco Nautilus for my husband's, and an Apex 65 for my parents' cars.  I had no intention of putting a squirmy, bouncy, four year old in a booster.  To me four is WAY too young for a booster.  He will be harnessed until at least age six.  Anyway, the Frontier is now my second favorite seat.  The Nautilus is okay.  It gets the job done, but my son and I like the Frontier better. The Apex is nice and had a very good price.

Now, at age five my son has finally hit 40 lbs clothed so he has outgrown the Generations. In January I began my search for the perfect booster.  I thought I had found it in the Oobr.  It is a mammoth booster with a magnesium frame!  It can be LATCHed, has deep head wings, and made the IIHS list for best boosters.  The icing on the cake was that it came in a pirate pattern (Skurvy).   So, I ordered one.  My son loves it!  I like it too.  It is heavy and can be difficult to move between cars, but I love that I can LATCH it in place. 

So, with nine seats for one child I might be considered "crazy."  My husband just thinks I am obsessed.  Maybe I am. I've already found another booster I want to "play with."  It is the new Recaro ProBooster.  I am waiting to hear about a price for techs.  If it is low enough I may get it.

1 comment:

  1. You have been very thorough in your description. I do wish that others would be so into the car seats and the importance of having a very good car seat. And the proper installation of one.
