Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do car seats have expiration dates?

If any of you out there are moms or know a mom then you have definitely seen car seats in use.  Did you know that they have expiration dates?  Many people do not know this.  All car seats have expiration dates.  Generally, the expiration date is six years from date of manufacture (DOM), but this is not always the case.   A few seats out there have five or seven year expiration dates and one seat has a nine year lifespan. You can find your DOM located on a sticker on the back, bottom, or side of your car seats.  Some manufacturers also imprint the expiration date in the plastic on the back of the seat.

Why should I care if the seat is expired?  Because you do not know how an expired seat will react in a crash.  You cannot guarantee your child will be safe in an expired seat.

Car seats sit in the car.  They are exposed to frigid temperatures in the winter and brutal, broiling temperatures in the summer.  These changing in temperature cause the plastic to expand and contract thus breaking down the plastic.  Even if your seat has sat in a climate controlled area (not in a car) for several years does not mean you are in the clear.  The plastic still degrades.

Car seats also change over time.  There have been many changes and advances since the Monkey was born in car seats.  The seat you got for your first child may no longer be considered safe which is another reason for the expiration.  For example three point harness infant carriers were common about 7-8 yrs ago.  Now, they are no longer made because an infant could slip out of the harness at the hips.  The five point harness is much safer and keeps a child in the seat securely. 

What to do with an expired seat?  If you have an expired seat it needs to be destroyed.  You should not use it again.  It is unsafe.  To destroy the seat remove the cover (you may be able to sell the cover depending on the car seat model), cut the harness straps, write "Do Not Use" or "Destroy"  on the shell of the seat with a Sharpie or spray paint, and then put it INSIDE your garbage can.  I say to put it inside because some people will remove car seats from the curb and reuse them.  If your area offers it you can recycle the car seat.  Also, a couple of times each year Babies R US does a trade in event where you get 25% off one baby gear item if you bring in a car seat.

From time to time I will be posting car seat safety tips.  Feel free to add your own if you like!  Thanks for reading!

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